Does Instacart Track Mileage In 2025? [Essential Shopper's Guide]

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In the day and age of technological advancement, it's become increasingly important to keep track of our daily miles — whether it's for personal reference, pitching in for a carpool, or even tax deductions.

This brings us to the topic at hand: Does Instacart track mileage? That's an interesting question that pops up quite frequently, especially amongst those of us who've turned to Instacart for an income source.

From environmental consciousness to tax write-offs, there are so many reasons why people are keen on knowing if Instacart actually keeps a record of miles.

Are you an Instacart driver curious about this too? Then let's jump right into it and find out some more about this commonly asked question – 'Does Instacart track mileage?' I promise you some valuable insights here.

Why Should You Track Instacart Mileage?

Why Should You Track Instacart Mileage?

Tracking your mileage as an Instacart shopper is vital for a handful of reasons. Apart from monitoring the wear and tear on your vehicle, tracking mileage can have significant implications come tax season.

Whether you've joined Instacart for a full-time gig or a quick side hustle, every mile counts.

Tax Deductions

A major incentive for recording your miles is the potential for tax deductions. Tax deductions work to reduce your taxable income, ultimately cutting down what you owe when taxes roll around.

As of 2021, the IRS permits 56 cents deduction per business mile. Now think about it - those miles can quickly add up leading to substantial savings.

Accurate Records

Maintaining an accurate record of your mileage is also necessary if you ever get audited by IRS.

Having these records in place serves as evidence showcasing how you navigated through the year with respect to business-related travel. This can be crucial in supporting your tax deductions claims.

Knowledge and Planning

Having a solid grip on your mileage also allows for better knowledge and planning of your routes, which can be a significant advantage.

Maybe there's a route that's slightly longer but has less traffic, or perhaps there's one that keeps adding unnecessary miles to your tracker - knowing these details can help optimize the time and effort spent on orders.

To sum up, keeping track of your Instacart mileage isn’t just important—it’s essential! It's one of the valuable ways independent contractors can maximize their earnings while minimizing their tax bill.

Does Instacart Track Mileage?

Does Instacart Track Mileage?

No, Instacart does not directly track mileage for its shoppers. The app focuses on helping shoppers manage orders and does not have a feature for mileage tracking related to the driving you do for your shopping work.

This includes tasks like driving to the store, between stores, and delivering groceries to the customers’ homes.

As an independent contractor, it is generally up to the individual to maintain their own work-related records, such as mileage, for tax purposes.

However, knowing your mileage is important especially during tax time because you can deduct your vehicle expenses on your tax return.

This can help reduce the amount of income subject to tax which ultimately lower your tax bill.

Therefore, Instacart shoppers are advised to use a separate trusted mileage tracking app or manually keep detailed records of your miles driven for each batch you've worked in order to accurately report this information in your tax filings.

How To Track Mileage For Instacart

How To Track Mileage For Instacart

As an Instacart shopper, it's crucial to keep a tab on how many miles you're clocking in while delivering orders.

Not only is this information integral for your end-of-the-year taxes, but it can also help you analyze your earning potential versus the wear and tear on your vehicle. Let's delve into ways you can track mileage while delivering for Instacart:

Using a Log Book

The traditional way to track mileage is through a good old-fashioned log book. This method might seem archaic in today's digital world, but some drivers still find this method simple and reliable.

All you need is a notebook and pen stored somewhere easily accessible in your vehicle (like the glove box). For every shopping or delivery trip that you make, jot down the starting and ending mileage along with brief details of the trip such as the date and destination.

Make it a habit to do this every time before and after your shift to ensure accurate tracking. This comprehensive record will then help back up your claims during tax times.

While this method can be challenging to maintain consistently, it costs nothing at all and assures complete control over what information you track.

Instacart Mileage Tracker Apps

With digital advancements through our side, various mobile apps have made tracking mileage simpler than ever before.

Each app comes with its unique features but with one common goal - making mileage tracking automatic, effortless, and accurate.


Everlance is a mobile application primarily designed for tracking business-related mileage and expenses for tax purposes or reimbursement. It uses automatic GPS tracking, thus it effectively replaces manual logbooks that can easily be lost or become disorganized.

Everlance leverages automatic route detection technology, which can accurately track each trip's route, distance, and time. With this application, users also have the ability to classify their trips as either business or personal.

The operation of Everlance requires the user to simply drive while the app runs in the background and records all trips automatically. After completing a trip, the user will then categorize it appropriately.

For tax purposes, clearly categorized and well-documented mileage logs are essential in case of an audit.

Besides mileage tracking, Everlance also functions as an expense tracker – by snapping pictures of your receipts with your phone, you can digitize receipts to keep a record of your expenses for tax deductions or reimbursements.

Hence, Everlance works as an efficient one-stop shop survival tool for independent contractors and small business owners who need a simplified way of tracking expenses and mileage.


Hurdlr is a finance app designed specifically for the needs of freelancers, independent contractors, and small business owners. It provides users with a comprehensive view of their income and expenses, making it easier to keep track of business finances.

One of the key features of Hurdlr is its ability to automatically track mileage through GPS when driving for business purposes, making it possible to maximize deductions during tax time.

The app also syncs with your bank accounts and credit cards to automatically track income and expenses.

It categorizes transactions by expense type and allows you to capture receipts using your phone’s camera for efficient organization.

In addition, Hurdlr estimates your tax liabilities based on your earnings and expenses so there are no surprises when tax season comes.

The app also offers real-time views of your profit after taxes so you can better understand how much money you have available at any given time.


Stride is a mobile app designed to help independent workers track business miles, expenses and save money on their taxes. It's targeted at anyone who's self-employed and it makes recording expenses simple, efficient and even enjoyable.

One of the key features of Stride is its automatic mileage tracking facility. When the mileage tracker is turned on, Stride uses GPS to automatically detect and record all of your business miles while you're driving for work purposes.

Afterwards, these trips can be viewed, classified as a business or personal trip, and saved in a format that's compatible with IRS guidelines for mileage deductions.

Another significant feature includes expense tracking where users can input different types of expenses related to their business such as equipment purchases or utility bills. Stride helps you categorize these expenses according to IRS categories and estimates your tax savings from these deductions.

Stride also offers health insurance recommendations tailored specifically for independent workers. So beyond just financial tracking, it provides end-to-end support for all the unique needs of self-employed individuals.

What if I Forgot to Track My Instacart Miles

What if I Forgot to Track My Instacart Miles

Don't fret if you've slipped up a few times and failed to track those precious miles. It happens to the best of us; timelines get blurred, and sometimes we simply forget.

But what can you do now? The answer is simpler than you might think: Look Through Your Previous Batches.

To do this, log into your Instacart account. Head over to the 'Earnings' section, then tap on Earnings Details.

Here, you should be able to see all your past orders or batches. By examining the details of each batch including the location of stores where items were gathered and customer delivery addresses, you'll be able to retrace your routes.

You may wonder how exactly you're supposed to measure the miles while sitting at your desk. Well, here’s where technology comes in handy.

To recreate the logistics that quantify the distances for each batch delivery, use Google Maps or some similar platform.

Key in all your previous pick-up and drop-off points, and voila! From there on out it's mathematics: add up all those miles and you'll have yourself an estimate.

This method requires a fair bit of effort and isn't 100% accurate. It's undoubtedly easier (and probably more reliable) to establish a system right from the start - log those miles as they happen!

But in times of forgetfulness or chaos-induced negligence, be rest assured that there's always a way out.

To avoid future hiccups like this, consider using a mileage-tracking app for real-time logs. Keeping track is not just about good record-keeping; it's about ensuring you claim all rightful deductions at tax time.

How To Save More On Instacart Tax Deductions

How To Save More On Instacart Tax Deductions

One of the best ways to save money as an Instacart shopper is by claiming tax deductions. As an independent contractor, miles driven and related expenses, even your cell phone bills, can be deducted. Here’s my advice for you.


By meticulously tracking mileage, you can claim essential deductions on your taxes. It includes miles tracked:

  • Picking up orders: Your mileage starts adding up from the moment you accept a request on the app to go to a specific store for shopping.
  • Delivering orders: The distance from the grocery store or pickup point to the customer’s location is also deductible.
  • Between deliveries: If you find yourself driving to a new location after completing an order, in anticipation of another potential request, those miles can add up.
  • While working: General running around while working can be counted too; going back to the store because you forgot an item or had to exchange something can also be included.
  • Vehicle maintenance: Even trips made specifically for vehicle maintenance like oil changes, tire rotations, etc., incurred during your tour of duty with Instacart should not escape your notice either.

Making a habit of noting down all this information somewhere safe will definitely come in handy during tax season.

I personally find it easier to utilize one of several apps available for this purpose; they tend to simplify everything greatly.

And when tax time rolls around, I have all the information at my fingertips - no stress!

A great tool you might consider trying out is IRS's standard mileage rate. This handy resource gives you current rates that help calculate the deductible costs of operating your vehicle for business use.

The more accurate and detailed records you keep throughout the year, the more money you’ll save when tax season arrives.

Your Phone Bills

A significant yet often overlooked expense when working with platforms like Instacart is your phone bill.

Given the fact that the Instacart shopper app is at the heart of your delivery endeavors, it's fair to say that a substantial portion of your mobile data goes toward this job.

So, how does this work out for you? Interestingly, you can count this as a work-related expense for tax deductions.

Experts suggest that you should try to calculate what percentage of your data goes into Instacart shopping - including checking orders, browsing store locations, GPS for directions, and more.

Possessing a stable and reliable communication device is just as crucial as owning a functional vehicle for deliveries in this line of work.

This might include phone-related accessories like car chargers and phone mounts to assist with GPS navigation or order handling while en route.

The money spent on these accessories also qualifies for tax write-offs as they are necessary tools required for ensuring successful and efficient deliveries.

It's essential to keep track of your phone bills and related accessory costs. These expenses can add up over time and contribute significantly towards reducing your tax burden at the end of the fiscal year.

Bags and Blankets

When working as an Instacart shopper, it's common to have food delivery bags and blankets for regular use - necessities that keep items fresh during transport.

Of course, these won't last forever and eventually will need replacement. The cost of 'business use' items is tax-deductible. Keeping a record of these 'operating costs can be incredibly beneficial at tax time.

You may wonder if the warmer totes provided by Instacart qualify for this claim. The good news is that even though you didn't directly purchase these items, they were necessary for your job performance – so yes, they count! To help yourself further down the road, take useful records like photographs or receipts with dates when you acquire new business items.


Toll charges can accumulate pretty quickly when driving around town delivering groceries – especially if you're in an area that has a lot of toll roads!

Don't sweat it - according to the IRS guidelines (Publication 463), toll fees incurred while driving for work-related reasons (like Instacart shopping) can be claimed under tax deductions.

Please be aware though, you cannot double dip on these expenses. If you are choosing to claim the standard mileage rate (which inherently accounts for general wear and tear), then adding the separate toll costs isn't permitted.

Therefore, choose wisely between these two options based on which provides you with a better off-set at tax time.


Just like tolls, parking fees are another example of incidental costs that accrue in the life of an Instacart shopper.

Whether it's parking meters or garage fees while shopping or delivering orders, this too can add up over time.

Lucky for us all — federal tax codes do consider parking fees as deductible expenses when connected with business use -- your Instacart gig counts here!

Again remember not to "double dip." If claiming a standard mileage rate deduction which includes all such vehicle operation costs — additional specific expenses like parking will not be acceptable.

Roadside Assistance

Ever had a flat tire or engine trouble right in the middle of your grocery deliveries? It's never fun! But having roadside assistance can save day as well as those pennies in the long run.

Memberships with AAA or other similar services become quite handy, especially considering the amount of time spent on roads due to job demands.

What's more fascinating is IRS considers such memberships as allowable expenses for small businesses! So go ahead and include those charges in your deductible bucket list!

Health Insurance

Here comes another aspect - health insurance premiums. As an independent contractor with Instacart (or any gig work), health insurance isn’t provided by employers at subsidized rates anymore therefore cost often scares away most uninsured people.

Fear not - there’s good news there too. If you're self-employed and not eligible to participate in any employer-subsidized health plan (yours or a relative's), you could potentially claim a deduction for medical insurance cost premiums directly on Form 1040 (See IRS Publication 502)!

Wrapping up — capturing all these incidental but necessary operating expenditures can significantly help offset your taxable income at year-end despite companies like Instacart not providing direct support towards them.

Be diligent about recording these expenses and consult with a professional tax advisor before filing if needed — It pays off!

While the guidelines above generally apply under US Tax laws; specific state-wise taxation policies may vary. Always confirm particulars based on local statutes from credible sources and professional advice.

FAQs About Instacart Mileage

Does Instacart automatically track the mileage I drive while delivering orders?

No, Instacart does not automatically track your mileage. You will need to manually keep a log or use a mileage tracker app.

Can I deduct miles driven for Instacart on my taxes?

Yes, as an independent contractor, you are eligible to deduct any business-related driving mileage from your taxes.

Are the miles driven between stores and between deliveries deductible?

Yes, all miles driven for business purposes, including those between orders or to a store for vehicle maintenance, can typically be written off on taxes.

What if I forget to track my mileage while working for Instacart?

There are apps that can help backtrack and calculate your miles based on date and time logs such as Everlance, Hurdlr, or Stride.

How accurate are the mileage tracking apps compared to manual logs?

While individual results may vary, most users find automated tracking with apps like Everlance and Stride to be highly accurate and much more convenient than manual logging.


Understanding whether or not Instacart tracks mileage matters, especially for tax purposes. It looks like Instacart does not automatically track your mileage - it's something you'll have to do yourself.

Thankfully, several user-friendly apps and old-fashioned methods can help you take care of this important task efficiently.

Remember, accurately measured and documented mileage can lead to a substantial deduction at tax time - cents add up to dollars quickly when you're driving regularly for a job like Instacart.

So, don't skip the details because every single mile counts! Knowing where your money is going can not only help with those tax deductions but also give you a clearer insight into your overall earnings as an Instacart shopper. Here's to making the most of every mile!

Michael Restiano

I support product content strategy for Salt Money. Additionally, I’m helping develop content strategy and processes to deliver quality work for our readers.

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